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How Pokemon Evolve May 6, 2023 14:25:38 GMT
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Tracker Template Jan 22, 2024 21:39:42 GMT
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The Crystalia Region

Sparkle Town ( 1 thread + 1 post )

The starting point for most trainers' journeys! This town is a tourist hub and boasts a few notable stores and cafes. The professor,Amelia, is here to greet you with her partner Absol.

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Professor Amelia's Lab Sept 22, 2023 19:15:48 GMT
Glitter Path ( 1 thread + 1 post )

A toute leading out of Sparkle Town and toward Quartz Villiage. There are plenty of Fairy and Normal Types as well as the occasional regional bird.

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Wild Pokemon and Trainers May 6, 2023 14:34:28 GMT
Quartz Villiage ( 1 thread + 1 post )

A small town with the fairy type gym. They have a statue of a Dachsbun in the middle of town and a small park. The fairy gym is led by the gym leader,Fiore.

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Gym Leader Info Jan 22, 2024 0:26:47 GMT
Rose Cave ( 1 thread + 1 post )

A cave leading from Quartz Village to Sapphire Shores. Plenty of cave-dwelling Pokemon make themselves at home, including the ever-abundant Zubat.

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Pokemon and Trainers May 31, 2023 23:23:02 GMT
Sapphire Shores ( 1 thread + 1 post )

The water gym led by Ariel lies here. There is a statue of a Primarina in the center of the town, and there is a beach nearby to chill on. The beach also has a cave leading to the next city in a secluded forest. There is a surfing contest held here annually.

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Gym Leader Info Jan 24, 2024 5:40:59 GMT
Jade Cave ( 1 thread + 1 post )

A cave leading to Emerald City from Sapphire Beach. There are many Poison types here making this cave different from the last one, and the only flying Pokemon available is the occasional Woobat.

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Pokemon and Trainers Jan 22, 2024 1:52:28 GMT
Emerald City ( 1 thread + 1 post )

The first, yet not biggest, city in the region is Emerald City. It has a small shopping center, and the poison gym led by Tyler. There also is a small ranger base here.

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Gym Leader Info Jan 24, 2024 17:15:51 GMT
Mt. Ruby ( 1 thread + 1 post )

A path leads through a volcanic area that leads toward Ruby Town. There are a lot of fire and rock types here.

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Pokemon and Trainers Apr 9, 2024 21:06:59 GMT
Ruby Town ( 1 thread + 1 post )

The Town of Blazing Flames. The fire gym is here led by Cinder and it is waiting for trainers. There also is a curry stand and an annual flame festival every year in the summer.

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Gym Leader Info Apr 9, 2024 22:27:19 GMT
Amethyst Forest ( 1 thread + 1 post )

Leading out of Ruby Town, this forest leads to the secluded town of Amathesia. Dark and ghost types make this spooky forest their home.

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Pokemon and Trainers Apr 12, 2024 8:47:42 GMT
Amathysia ( 1 thread + 1 post )

A town shrouded in shadows and home of the dark gym. It also houses the HQ of the nefarious Team Dim Sun. A cemetery flanks the western border of the town. The dark Gym is held here ran by Luna

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Gym Leader Info Apr 12, 2024 20:46:28 GMT
Onyx Forest ( 1 thread + 1 post )

A forest full of dark type Pokemon with the occasional bug or poison type. Leads to Topaz Village.

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Pokemon and Trainers Apr 12, 2024 21:13:06 GMT
Topaz Village ( 0 threads + 0 posts )


Amber Fields ( 1 thread + 1 post )

The trees thin out, and rolling hills of grass stretch as far as the eye can see. Most Pokemon travel in herds while predators stalk their prey in the tall grass. Amber Fields is named after the sea of golden grass in the autumn.

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Pokemon and Trainers Apr 12, 2024 21:41:13 GMT
Beryl Town ( 1 thread + 1 post )

Amber Fields melts into the town lines of Beryl without anyone ever realizing it. Wild lands disappear, cut off by the barbed wire protecting pastures of Miltank, Tauros, and Bouffalant. Beryl Town is a close-knit community, and word travels fast about the trainers passing through. Breeders tend to stay a little longer than most as Beryl provides the perfect opportunity to settle down with their own farms.The Ghost Gym is Stationed Here, led by Thyme Rhymes sister.

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Gym Leader Info Jan 24, 2024 20:01:39 GMT
Ametrine Road ( 1 thread + 1 post )

A single road cuts through the plains and connects Beryl Town to Andesine City. Many trucks frequent the road, and trainers are advised against battling in the middle of the road.

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Pokemon and Trainers Apr 13, 2024 0:17:38 GMT
Andesine City ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Andesine provides a stark contrast to the countryside most travel in from. Buildings tower overhead, and skyscrapers pierce the low-hanging clouds. The streets are busy 24/7, and public transportation is advised for trainers. The gym here specializes in steel types, and its leader is the CEO of one of Andesine's leading business firms.

Lapis Cove ( 1 thread + 1 post )

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Pokemon and Trainers Apr 13, 2024 0:33:44 GMT
Mt. Rhodon ( 2 threads + 2 posts )

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Pokemon and Trainers Apr 12, 2024 22:14:17 GMT


Our Advertisement ( 2 threads + 2 posts )

A board containing Our advertisement and an affiliation thread.

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Our Advertisment Apr 11, 2023 7:58:10 GMT
First Link ( 12 threads + 12 posts )

If we haven't advertised at your place, link here

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Hope of Pern Jul 29, 2024 16:01:26 GMT
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shula - pokemon rpg [lb] Jan 22, 2024 23:21:53 GMT


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